Freshly Rolled

Bolivar Cigar Box Guitar
Padron Cigar Box Guitar
The Studebaker Cigar Box Guitar

The Lector


Welcome to the Doyle Guitars website. We finally listened to all of you and took some time away from building guitars to create this website.


There's a lot going on around the Big Butt work shop so stay tuned by checking out all the latest Big Butt Guitar News, articles, cigar box guitar videos and more.

Contact Us

If you'd like to learn more about our cigar box guitars, have any questions or would like to express your interest in purchasing a Big Butt Guitar don't hesitate to drop us a line.

The Flow

I had the chance to see and play a couple of Doyle's cig box guitars and was so blown away with the workmanship and playability that I asked him to build me a cigar box bass. He got right on it and consulted with me every step of the way to make sure it fit me and my style of playing. The end product totally exceeded my expectations. It not only looks great it plays like butter! I've played it at two different gigs and other bass players can't believe the sound it puts out. Doyle has really done it right, totally bad ash! Skeez